Founded in 2013, Gentle Harbor Midwifery invites you to explore the services the team has to offer. Be educated and know all the birth options available to you.
—what we do —

A home visit occurs at 36-37 weeks for all families planning to birth at home. This is a great time to evaluate birth supplies and help us become familiar with your home. A birth assistant is present with me for the birth, and we aim for her to be at this visit to also be familiar with your family and space.
Your first prenatal visit occurs somewhere between 6 and 13 weeks.
Some families would rather meet with the midwives early in the pregnancy, perhaps with many questions about the pregnancy itself or option of homebirth. Other families would rather wait until 11-13 weeks as this is generally when the fetal heart rate is audible with Doppler.
During the first visit we will review your medical history and perform a physical exam. If applicable, we will also draw initial prenatal labs at this visit. Between 24-30 weeks in pregnancy there will be a blood sugar evaluation and a repeat blood count drawn. Typically, prenatal visits occur monthly until 31-32 weeks and then every two weeks until 30-40 weeks. Visits are then once or twice a week until the birth. An hour of time is allotted for each visit, giving ample time for questions, teaching, and preparing for the birth. Visits occur at one of our office locations, which are located in Michigan City, IN and St. Joseph, MI.
Families may choose to birth at the birthing suite or in their home. Many circumstances occur that may help a family to decide on alternative locations including home comfort, other children, pets or proximity to emergency services. Whether you birth at home or in our birth suite you will receive the same personal attention, equipment, safety and services. Clients contact us when they are suspicious that labor has started. This gives opportunity to discuss symptoms of labor and offer guidance and encouragement. We proceed to the birth space when you feel support is needed as birth becomes more evident. If I am unavailable to come (for example, at another birth) when you need me, I will provide a trained backup midwife, or we will make alternate plans. Immediately after the birth, we continue to monitor the family to ensure that all are doing well. I am able to offer repair of tissues if deemed necessary. Full exam of mother and baby occurs. We help infant feeding get off to a good start. We stay with you for 2-3 hours after the birth until mom and baby are stable. During this time, the birth place is cleaned up, the tub is emptied, and laundry is started.
This plan is discussed during pregnancy around 32-34 weeks. We do not work with a specific doctor or hospital in the event of transfer. Decision regarding facility is based on emergent nature of the issue and family choice. In our region, I have found that most physicians/ hospitals cannot be a planned back up in the event of transfer. But we have always been respectfully received at most places that I’ve transferred to in the past. I typically accompany most families during the transfer process. This allows for smooth transfer of information and for you to feel more supported.

- 24-36 hrs after birth a in home visit with the midwife and the metabolic screen done
- Week 1 nurse visit assessment and hearing screening done
- Week 3 in our office
- Week 6 in our office
The initial newborn exam is performed just after the birth. Exams and screenings are performed as listed above. Certified nurse midwives can provide care for newborns up to 6 weeks of age. If you have a pediatric health provider that you will follow with, I recommend a visit around 1.5-2.5 weeks. This honors the long term relationship you will have with this provider. Gentle Harbor will send a birth summary to the office following your 3 day postpartum visit.
We are passionate about helping moms get a good start with breastfeeding and will work with you to create a breastfeeding care plan if the need arises. Another option is to visit with a lactation consultant that is up to date on current practices. There are many we can refer to, depending on your location.

The mothers find the water helpful for pain relief and relaxation at the peak of labor when things get the toughest. We offer rental of two different birth tubs; both hold about 120 gallons of water. The fee for rental is $200 and includes the disposable liner for the tub and a tote of tub supplies (clean water fill hose, sink connectors, pool inflator pump, debris net and thermometer). The tote also has directions for pool setup and management. We also carry a pump and hose in our cars for quick empty of the tub. If you deliver at the birth suite, there is a built-in tub that is deep and roomy enough for most women. Tubs available for rent are: Birth Pool in a Box or La Bassine Water Birth Pool.
Many questions regarding out of hospital birth options can be explored and discussed before pregnancy has commenced. Gentle Harbor Midwifery would be happy to have this conversation with you. A fee is associated with this service.

- Childbirth classes or doula services (We highly recommend both of these options)
- Lab work- including Newborn Screens
- Referred service (i.e. diagnostic ultrasound, consultation or care with another provider)
- Transfer of care at any point (i.e. ambulance, hospital and physician fees)
- Birth kit/Birth Supplies